Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day: An Ode to Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds, one of the sexiest men alive!Dear Readers,

Valentine's Day is my absolute favorite holiday. It involves pink, candy confections, and love...what more could I ask for? Ryan Reynolds even stopped by my office today and left a card. OK, my lovely co-worker left it, but it had this smoldering picture of him on the front. Delicious. Don't you just love him? I don't care who the "Sexiest Man Alive" was this year, because 2008 will always reign in my book. Unless they choose him again. I'm sure he'll get better with age. And speaking of Ryan Reynolds (who my friends know will someday realize he's meant to be with me...that doesn't stalkerish or crazy at all), I must share the following story:

Three years ago, when I was living in California, I left my house in La Jolla 6:15 a.m. (teachers work early) and walked toward the street where my car was parked. This greeted me on the back of my car.


And this was on my sunroof(yes, it's upside down because the perpetrators wanted me to be able to see it properly from inside the car):

My first thought was, "WHAT THE...?!" Then, as I more closely examined the other windows (which are not featured here because that would take an entire additional post to explain), I realized two of my best friends had played a hilarious prank on me. For the life of me though, I couldn't figure out who RR was (E stands for my full first name). I thought, "I don't even really like anyone currently..." After I had considered the initials of nearly every cute guy I knew, it dawned on my that RR stood for "Ryan Reynolds." Duh, my one true love! I didn't wash the car until the end of the day, and that's when my second favorite moment of the day occurred. The car wash attendant, as he got my information, said, "Congratulations!" I looked at him, slightly perplexed, and replied, "For what?" 

"Getting married!!"

Ah yes...

Happy Valentine's Day! 

Look by Liz Lewis

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